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If your business has to retrench team members engage with us to support them PLUS free help

With so many businesses scrambling to deal with the economic downturn by reducing working hours and asking employees to take unpaid leave it's just a matter of time for redundancies. Just like the GFC many companies are making severe cuts to stay afloat.

If you have to make team members redundant make sure you offer them as much support and guidance as possible. Although this will be an extremely emotional time you need to take responsibility for delivering on your culture and caring approach.

Changing Times is here to help and we will provide career mentor & coaching for travel professionals in Australia who find themselves in the scary situation of losing their jobs.

With over 30 years experience of the travel business we have seen most scenarios.

If you've been made redundant and your company hasn't offered post-employment career assistance please reach out to us as we are offering free personal mentoring for as many travel professionals as we can #togetherintravel

Email us for a confidential chat.


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