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Can your account managers and sales team really add value for your clients?

Explaining why your company is the best and deserves to win that new piece of business is tough. Procurement often say there is less than 1% difference between travel management companies so it's harder than ever.

is this how you 'pitch' your business?

High level service by consultants with 10 years experience

Lowest staff turnover in the country......

Online booking solutions.........

Access to the lowest fares

Offices round the world to help the traveller

A 24/7 service based in ...........

Dynamic reporting, sorry business intelligence solution

Happy to integrate with Apps and third party suppliers

Sound familiar?

Okay so now raise the bar and provide the real difference that clients & procurement will value - pro-active, strategic, personable, indispensable and trust-worthy account management.

Use our services to help train, mentor and drive your team to retain clients and deliver tangible results for prospects.

Here's what you need to understand...........

Today's successful companies have a completely different attitude to business travel. Using old world systems and processes won't work in the current and future economy.

Your account managers should be able to facilitate their clients' internal planning sessions including as many areas of their business as possible; frequent travellers, HR management, technology manager, key bookers, VIP travellers (if their business recognises such status) and of course the glue to all this, the travel manager / procurement category manager.

You have to stop a client focusing on reducing your transaction fee by 0.5%.

A truly strategic approach is needed and that is where we can help your team.

With a hands-on and realistic roundtable training & motivation day followed by ongoing individual mentoring of your team we will help your business stand out from the rest.

Use our 20+ years experience, multi-market segment expertise, global travel & related technology insight to build an amazing team you and your business will be proud of.

Our services are available in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe & USA.

Email us now or call us on +61 (0)402 335755 for a no obligation & confidential discussion.

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