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Kick-start 2018

Don't miss out on special pricing - book & pay by 31 December

We are running a number of training days in January & February to help you kick-start your success in 2018.

One day will be focused on Sales & Negotiation skills - working through real-life situations and solutions for the sales & account management teams. Whether you are working with request for tender processes, procurement, technology solutions, hotel sales or any other travel industry related service this course is for you.

Our other day is our Presentation skills training day which ensures you are maximising every opportunity from a 1-on-1 meeting through to presenting in front of a full theatre. Using preparation, technology use and controlling the room techniques you will come away with additional insight, workable practices and motivation.

The training will run on the follow dates and locations;


Sales & negotiation - Tuesday January 30th

Presentation skills - Wednesday January 31st


Sales & negotiation - Friday February 2nd

Each day is priced at $599 + GST per person

Book and pay by 31st December 2017 for a 10% discount.

If you have multiple attendees from the same company book & pay by 31st December 2017 for a 25% discount.

Contact us now to secure your places.

Some of our travel clients in 2017;

ATPI Voyager





Orbit World Travel

Pan Pacific Hotel Group

Platinum Travel

Qatar Airways

Qantas Holidays

Rheom Travel

Spencer Travel

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