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Hey procurement, who manages the event & meeting spend?

From our many years experience of working with businesses around their travel spend it has generally been a grey area - events and meetings spend.

Don't get us wrong, there are many companies with a procurement strategy, preferred suppliers and a 'reasonable' handle on their spend.

However a significant number of companies allow the EA's, managers and sometimes the interns arrange off-site meetings, client events and important meetings.

Not only is this a very serious loss of negotiation spend, security risk and waste of time it is also could lack the WOW factor the event needs.

We've come across a tremendous partner that could help you overcome all these areas. Venuemob. This company is an award winner in the event management space.

Don't let your event be another 'so-so' evening and lack the impact you are looking for. Venuemob work with travel management companies, procurement, EA's and all parties to ensure the best results. Their online solution also makes the whole process stress-free.

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